Thursday, May 8, 2014

IEC 2014 Elections

Why should we vote? Why did you vote? Did you research on the party you voted for? This is questions I would ask whenever my conversation went in the direction of the national voting that took place yesterday.

So I felt like I really should share my experience on the 2014 elections.

I didn’t even think about registering. I was one of those ag why should I vote? It doesn’t matter or count. I was in the dark and never took the time to educate myself on why I should vote because I was born in the time of freedom where I can go where I want with who I want. So how did I get to the point where I went and registed? It was Sunday and my mother and I were out having lunch and on our way home, we saw the registration boards on a light post and my mom told me about my apartheid from her perspective and told me about my grandfather and his struggles and how they lived with rules and restrictions that I know I would never survive under.

My experience going to register to vote.

So my mother and I headed to the register at a local college in my area, (there were many points in my area, but we couldn’t find it) the boards put up to show us where to go and what to have to register,  and it was so fast and easy that and the people were so friendly and helpful. I could not believe that  specially how fast it was.

My voting experience

The day came to actually go and vote. I knew I was not going to get up early on a public holiday. I woke up got done to go shopping, yes I said shopping, so here I am at 2pm I am going shopping. Go back home at 6:30 had a bite to eat and went to vote at 7 and at 7:19 I was home. I could not believe my luck, people were telling me how long the queues are and I won’t get home till pass 9 I was scared and thought about just not going to vote on fear of having to stand in the cold for a few hours to make a difference, but I fought against the crap in the head which I am so glad I did and I am so proud of myself that I made my mark. It was exhilarating to vote. I went through my voting ballad like 3 times because I was so nervous I felt like I was writing an exam check my page a few time to make sure I marked the correct and then I went and put my ballads in the in the box and bhaaam I was back home and warm.

This is me showing my proof that I just voted.

This is my good friend designer and blogger Mpumi Dhlamini showing that he is a proudly open ANC supporter

this my cousin Fathima showing us her vote stamp and South African ID.

You can follow me on Facebook here follow me on instagram @drizzzlesdomain

When trying something new, you may fail the 1st time but a true failure is someone who
doesn't get up and try again.
Aaqelah Salojee

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