I thought I would share my Eid outfit with you guys as I haven't really done any look post, or any blogging for months now and I apologize, I am currently having major internet issues and trying to get it fixed, it's proving to be very difficult I am most lucky to find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Initially I had a different dress, but once I started fasting and eating right, I seem to have lost weight and that dress looked less appealing to me as I wasn't a fan of the fit any longer.
My boots I had purchased a while ago as I hadn't purchased a good pair of boots for a few years now, as last year I wore a sandal for Eid. Hopefully I get more organized in the shoe department as my 1st love is shoes.
The accessories of the outfit were my favourite but the body chain was super annoying on the day and I haven't worn it since hopefully I will figure out how to wear it without wanting to pull my hair out.
Scarf: Arabics Azaadville
Dress: Edgars
Inner top: Woolworths
Accessories: Colette
Boots: Zando |