Saturday, August 30, 2014

Winter 2014

I sense the need to start my post with a greeting, I have no idea why, so a warm Hello.

In a few days winter 2014 will be over and Spring 2014 will be here. This is my Good Bye Winter post. I don't enjoy cold weather, but I love Winter fashion. The coats, boots, gloves, all of this is so wonderful but also expensive. Over the years I have been able to pick up a good few winter pieces, but with time everything will need to be replaced so I have a few tips on how to make your clothing last longer than expected..

- Always dry clean a coat, never wash it your yourself, especially if it's an expensive one.
- If you have a an old jersey fill with wool bubbles, lay it flat on a hard surface use a razor (preferably use a new blade) and slowly pull the razor downwards on the jersey, it will remove all the bubbles, and your jersey will look brand new. 
- Don't iron woolen garments, if it does crease steam iron it.
- I opt to buy leather over sude in shoes, it last longer in my opinion, but if you do buy sude and it gets worn out you can buy a repair spray at shoe retailers, dry cleaners, or a shoe repair store.
- I always buy winter clothes one size up, I love layering and having the additional space means I won't feel stuffed or uncomfortable and if I do pick up weight I can still wear the piece of clothing

Dress and Jacket: Truworths
Thight and boots: Woolworths
Bag: Soviet.

This is the 1st body con dress I own. I always felt afraid to wear one. I am very happy with taking the leap and buying one. I would recommend about 300 000 sit ups before putting it on, because this dress wont be forgiving to any bumps, but with the correct under garments a perfect look can be achieved!
Enjoy today, dream of tomorrow, and don't forget yesterday.
Aaqelah Salojee

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