Friday, December 5, 2014

Gone but never forgotten.

Hello December! I am sorry for my absents lately, but I am back and better than ever. So where have I been you ask? 

In October I lost my last living grandparent, my grandfather and even thou I did I few posts after that it was only till I was settled in back at home that I fully started to develop this deep sadness of loss and disappointment.

I live in Johannesburg and my granddad lived in Cape Town, needless to say we didn't see each other often a week or two a year does not leave much time to bond. The memories I have with my grandfather are awesome but few.

We face death every day, yet we blind to the fact that we should do everything we can for the people we love. I was so glad when my grandfather came for my graduation in 2012. It was a once in a lifetime experience I am so happy I got to share it with him. I'm not the 1st grandchild to graduate in my family so it wasn't celebrated in a huge way, but having my grandfather come all the way from Cape Town meant a lot to me. After my graduation, I dreamt that the next big thing in my life would be my wedding and that my Grandfather would be that again to share the important moment with me. I won't say I was robbed of the chance. I look at it as a chance to embrace that day when it arrives with more love and warmth because of my grandparents.

I learned so much more of my grandfather after his death, the struggles he went under when he was a freedom fighter in the ANC, be belonged to a band, and most of all he was the worlds best dad. He would make my mother's and her siblings lunch for school and brush their hair, he even did the washing and ironing, and he loved his tea.

If you get to see your grandparents everyday just know that you are blessed and lucky in ways others only dream of.

So after much needed soul searching and emotional healing I feel I am ready to put forward my best and bring my blog to new highs fashion wise. I hope to step up my game and not be lazy and istagram, but to make a full post out it.


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